Paradigm Shift Program™ 

You can lead your family to stability and peace.

Join the Waitlist for December!

The Paradigm Shift Program™

This is the world’s first comprehensive program designed entirely around supporting and empowering YOU - the parent of a PDA child or teen. 

The program will teach you everything you need to know about your child or teen's brain, nervous system and Pathological Demand Avoidance / Pervasive Drive for Autonomy.

But just as importantly, it will also teach you how to choose and implement the accommodations your child or teen needs and then track indicators of the health of their nervous system.

This will enable you to see with your own eyes how to build a trusting connection with your child or teen, help them access basic needs (toileting, sleeping, eating, hygiene, movement, leaving the house, etc.), and increase your confidence as a parent as you reframe the purpose of your life on this unique journey.

Ultimately the Paradigm Shift Program™ will bring you back to who you already are: a great parent who DOES know what is best for their child and family, and with the clarity needed to make aligned decisions, advocate for their family, and create a stable home life.

 Paradigm Shift Program™

  • Designed specifically for parents of PDA children and teens
  • Focused on skills training, implementation and getting you unstuck (while still providing all the information you need!)
  • Based on my original framework, the scientific process, and cutting edge polyvagal theory
  • No advocacy agenda, dogma or specific set of rules you must follow - apply the skills to serve your family in alignment with your constraints and values

Enrollment includes:

âś“Access to the entire program for TWO members of your household (e.g. two parents, a parent and caregiver, etc.)

✓ 85, 10-minute-ish pre-recorded videos (also available by podcast) in which Casey explains all the concepts, accommodations and mindsets you need while giving you autonomy for when and how you process and engage. You get immediate and lifetime access to these upon enrollment.

✓ 12 Live weekly Q+As including spot coaching with Casey, each 90-120 minutes.

âś“ Private, online community of like-minded parents, moderated by Casey's team for the 12 weeks of the live program.

✓ A private podcast including a searchable repository of answers to more than 100 of the most commonly asked questions. (The private podcast also includes audio of all 85 video lessons for those who prefer to listen.)

âś“ Unique logins for two grandparents for the Grandparents and PDA Masterclass ($50 value).

✓ Unique logins for two therapists for the Therapists and PDA Masterclass ($50 value).  


✓ BONUS Communication and Connection Course [$95 value].

✓ BONUS Progress with PDA Workshop [$95 value].

âś“ BONUS All Masterclasses [$150 value].

âś“ CONNECTION to parents from previous and subsequent cohorts to keep building your community of understanding.

✓ LIFETIME access to all the pre-recorded videos and podcasts so you can reference them when needed.  

$499 per month for three months 

Join the Waitlist for December!
Frequently Asked Questions

Join the 100s of other parents of PDA children and teens who have found clarity and peace. 

Take a quick look at what people have said below, or click here for even more.

"This course has transformed my understanding of PDA and how to best parent my PDA kids. To not only survive but to flourish. Casey is a wealth of knowledge and gives out gold with everything she shares. I’m forever grateful." 

Katie L. 

"This course is, without exaggeration, the best thing we could have done for our family. We love how real Casey keeps it while also feeling hopeful. It feels like an actual life line that has been thrown to our drowning family.”

Tara L. 

Within the first two weeks of The Paradigm Shift I could feel a change in our home. I was less anxious about my daughter’s behaviour because for the first time ever I actually understood her. I feel like we are now swimming with the current rather than against the tide all the time. Knowledge is power. Thank you, Casey.

Lauren K


"We would recommend Casey’s paradigm shift for anyone that has a PDA person in their life. Her course will help you understand that approaching a relationship and interacting with your child or others with PDA requires a fundamental mindset shift to traditional forms of parenting and interaction, that both you and your child will benefit from. It has helped us bring our little guy to a new equilibrium and understand the big picture of what really matters which is his mental and physical health. 

Devon D. 

"We were so overwhelmed with all things PDA and understanding what was happening with our son and our family. When I stumbled across one of Casey's posts, I felt like she was talking directly to me. It was like, finally, someone understood our son's language and was able to help us both understand and speak it! As we apply what we have learned through her courses, we are seeing the benefits: our son is stabilizing, we understand more and we can accommodate his disability with more confidence. 

Sherri N. 

This course helped me to understand and to communicate in a more beneficial way with my 20 year old daughter (PDAer). The methods taught have helped to improve our relationship, and I firmly believe that we’re on the right track for improving her future. After going to multiple counselors and doctors over the years who weren’t able to help at all, I finally have hope.

Jennifer S.  


  • You are the primary catalyst for change and progress for your family and PDA child. My methodology will guide you to radically accepting what is so you can make the aligned and informed decisions that propel your whole family forward.
  • By experimenting, giving yourself compassion, and honing your self-awareness and non-judgement, you will learn to accommodate your child and their lifelong nervous system disability in a way that respects and supports you, your child, and your entire family. 
  • If you are ready, then I know the following:
  • This program will teach you how to support your unique child and by tracking indicators of their nervous system health, access to basic needs, and connection to you, you will see *with your own eyes*  what works for your unique family and child. 
  • You will learn to see your child’s behavior objectively as data that can inform mindful decision-making and help reduce your anxiety and stress while parenting and caregiving over the long term.
  • You will feel confident as a parent with the clarity to create a life with a PDA child or teen that you actually want to live.
  • You will know in your bones, gut and heart that you are on the right path for your family as your child's stability, mental health, and happiness improve. Whether that is beginning to eat more, speaking to you more, engaging in drawing or art for the first time in years, or reducing panic attacks.
  • You will find joy and witness your child unfold in ways you can’t imagine while they are in burnout or you are at the depths of your parenting trauma cave.

You are not alone and you are not crazy. 

I believe that your child is a good kid and that you are *ALREADY* a great parent.  

 If you are anything like my clients...


Your child has received partial or incorrect diagnoses that have never seemed to fully fit or make sense – whether it is Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) , ADHD, Autism, Childhood OCD, Attachment Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, etc.

But more importantly – and regardless of diagnosis – you haven’t yet been given a way to think about your child’s brain and nervous system that will actually help your family and your child.

Alternatively, like many of my clients, perhaps you have already been working on a “low demand lifestyle” with your PDA child, but it seems completely unsustainable and ultimately doesn’t seem to be supporting them.

Are you not supposed to set *any* boundaries? No screen time limits ever?  Even if you understand how your PDA child’s brain works, you may be wondering – How can I set up a life that I actually want to live and that is sustainable not just for them, but also for me, my partner and my other children? 

In this program you will answer those questions and start creating that life!

You get immediate access to the 85 video and podcast lessons. 


Then we begin the live Q&A sessions and online community in January!

*Think of this program like a safe sandbox*
I will provide a set of tools (the logic and structure) to play and learn, but you can approach the program as you like and at your own pace, following your intuition and bringing in your own magic and autonomy (add grass, flowers, or new tools to that sandbox!). 
The program includes 85 short pre-recorded videos (available by podcast as well) that are easy to digest, and the content mirrors the parent journey of growth and connection with your PDA child or teen.
Every week we will have a live session to workshop your questions using the frameworks and methods provided in the course so that you learn to *think* differently.


- We will be live together every Wednesday at 1:00pm EST for 12 weeks! - 

All live sessions and events are recorded and available for replay. 

This program is available internationally, and parents have participated from the following countries: Wales, Ireland, Britain, South Africa, Germany, United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, and France.

***Invoices are available for NDIS*** (And any other government that supports education for neurodivergent and autistic children)

Join the Waitlist for December!

What if I told you that finding peace as a parent of a PDA child is possible? 


Not only is it possible, but this program will teach you to understand your child, your life and your decision-making in a way that will allow you to lead your family out of the dark woods to a new equilibrium. The Paradigm Shift Program™ is meant to be life-altering by putting you back in your leadership role, where you belong. 

With the new way of thinking about parenting a PDA child, you will no longer be throwing your hands up in the air with exasperation wondering, “How can we possibly live like this as a family?” You will receive an original cost-benefit framework for making decisions, practical accommodations that will move the needle in your home IMMEDIATELY, a method for understanding whether your child is making progress out of burnout, and all the mindset shifts, reframes, and tools that will make your life with a PDA child not only more stable and easeful, but more joyful and connected.

This program will radically shift your child’s life trajectory, regardless of diagnostic label. As a parent, you can offer autonomy, nervous system support, and deep connection, even if you, your partner or the people in your life don’t fully understand, “believe in,” or have a diagnosis of PDA.  It doesn’t matter. This is about the changes YOU can make to connect with your child and lead your family. 

Alternatively, even if you think you know everything about PDA, have already spent time implementing the “low-demand lifestyle,” or feel completely stuck after years of trying, this program will help you see your blindspots to get you unstuck. 

Join the Waitlist for December!


Built on Casey's

- 5A Framework™ -

Awareness: Understanding Your Child's Brain and Nervous System

 ✓ Thorough explanation of what PDA is and how it impacts children and teens, based on my preliminary research and experience coaching hundreds of families. 

✓ Your child's Extreme Demand Avoidance Questionnaire (EDAQ) score and Limitations of the EDAQ. 

✓ The Most Fundamental Mindset Shifts on your Journey

✓ **Shareable PDFs included in all modules for ease of communication with others in your life.

Acceptance: Cost-Benefit Thinking to Move Your Family Forward

✓  Understanding, recognizing and moving out of burnout

✓  Why many traditional parenting paradigms don't work

✓  Thinking as a family system with a PDA child 

✓  The theory of change that brings families more peace 

Accommodation: The 9 Proactive and 3 Responsive Accommodations

✓  How to experiment with accommodations (including and beyond lowering demands) and track impact and progress

✓  The four states of regulation

✓  Communication, play and other ways to build connection 

 ✓  De-escalation techniques for meltdowns and safety

Affirmation: Building a Healthy Self-Concept for Your PDA Child or Teen.

✓  Why talking about emotions and zones of regulation doesn't work with a PDA kid. 

✓  How to name the threat response with example scripts. 

✓  How to talk about identity with your PDA child.

✓  Lots of concrete examples to ground you in implementation.

Advocacy: Creating Safe Spaces Outside Your Home

✓  How to create "Bubbles of Safety" for your PDA child and family outside the home. 

✓  Using Non-Violent Communication strategies 

✓  Therapy, activities, and how to help your child access life outside of the home!

✓  Understanding People-Pleasing, Boundaries, and how *your* nervous system and upbringing might be impacting your ability to advocate for your child.

And that's not all...


Pre-recorded courses, Masterclasses, and "live" workshops included!

Connection and Communication Course ($95 value)

The research insights, tools, and mindset shifts you need to transform your relationship with your child.

âś“ Autonomic nervous system coregulation

âś“ Signaling safety without words 

âś“ Cadence and rhythm to accommodate processing differences

âś“ Declarative Langauge adapated for autonomy needs

âś“ Practice scripts for connection!

All Masterclasses! ($150 Value)

Current and forthcoming live masterclasses are included in this program!

âś“ To School or Not to School? Masterclass 

âś“ Clarity Masterclass

âś“ Burnout Masterclass

âś“ Grandparents and PDA Masterclass

âś“ Boundaries with PDA Masterclass 

âś“ 2-hour pre-recorded training for Therapists to work with your child.

"Progress with PDA" Workshop  ($95 value)

Working through a "scientific mindset" to understand accommodations and tracking progress with your PDA child or teen.

âś“ Defining indicators of progress along basic needs, behavior, and connection

âś“ Making decisions about- and trying- accommodations through an experimental mindset

âś“ Six hours of "live" workshopping with Casey

âś“ 38-Page PDF workbook for tracking progress, with examples for different ages, nervous system expressions, and indicators.

✓ 20-page PDF workbook outlining the nine most important accommodations and printable for how to plan implementation.

>> Hey there, I'm Casey!

I bring principles of non-violence, non-reactivity, and non-judgment to my work with parents of PDA children and teens. At the same time, I ground my teaching in a solid foundation of research and the scientific process.

I am also a mother raising a 9-year-old PDA son, a 5-year-old son, and a black lab service dog!

  • Helping lead the first peer-reviewed studies of PDA with the University of Michigan School of Medicine. 
  • Certified to work with PDA children, teens, and adults through the UK-based, OCN-accredited organization.
  • Co-founder of "PDA Parents" Community and Podcast
  • Achievement of Consistent Excellence Award leading Research Integrity team at the Pew Charitable Trusts (Washington D.C.)
  • Ph.D. in Political Science (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
  • Original doctoral research on violence, peace, trauma, and reconciliation.
  • Master's of Political And Economic Development (Columbia University)
  • Guggenheim Peace Fellow
  • United States Institute of Peace Fellow
  • National Science Foundation Scholar
  • Social Science Research Council Scholar
  • Fulbright Scholar - Teaching and Transitional Justice
Join the Waitlist for December!