At Peace Parents™

Private Coaching Services

Casey Ehrlich, Ph.D.

Casey Ehrlich, Ph.D. (she/her) is a social scientist, parent coach and educator, and the CEO and founder of At Peace Parents. Casey brings 15 years of work experience and expertise in social science methodology to help parents and therapists understand how to connect with and accommodate PDA Autistic children. She is currently working on empirical research with the University of Michigan Medical School on Pathological Demand Avoidance in children and teens. 

She is currently not accepting new 1:1 coaching clients. 

Casey provides live teaching and spot-coaching within our signature program - the Paradigm Shift Program - three times a year.  She also provides direct mentorship and oversight to all At Peace Parents parent coaches.

Donna Georgen

Donna’s passion for helping families comes from 26 years of lived experience and extensive training in PDA. She has raised two PDA children to the adult ages of 26 and 19. Donna also completed the PDA Society’s college-certified “Levels Program” in Pathological Demand Avoidance.

Donna was the first Support Group Coordinator for PDA North America - and in alignment with her own coaching objectives - she created dozens of PDA Parent Support groups in the United States that are still thriving. She is now thrilled to be part of the At Peace Parents team where she supports hundreds of families on their parenting journey. She is certified in the signature Paradigm Shift Program with At Peace Parents and trained by Casey Ehrlich, Ph.D. to provide specialized care and guidance unique to PDA families. Donna brings her genuine depth of understanding, compassion and care to each parent she works with.

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Kendahl Damashek

Kendahl Damashek brings her unique experience as a PDA Autistic mother raising four PDA humans under the age of 10 to her work as a coach. She has an educational background in psychology and neuroscience and a B.A. from Amherst CollegeKendahl was the lead research assistant on a project studying Therapeutic Alliance at UMass Amherst and worked with middle school children in San Francisco before focusing her energy and creativity on parenting and caregiving.

Kendahl specializes in supporting parents with "2E" PDA children (Gifted and PDA) and larger or more complex family dynamics. 

She brings her warmth, passion, and logical brain to her area of expertise: supporting parents to unpack the complexity of their situation with creative solutions and needle-moving insights.


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Juliana Carrillo

Juliana Carrillo, su experiencia tanto personal como profesional en el área de la psicología, con niños neurodiversos, le ha permitido aprender y aplicar todo tipo de herramientas para la construcción de capacidades y competencias en todos los planos del desarrollo psicológico (psicomotriz, cognitivo, psicosocial y psicoafectivo).

Psicóloga de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Está certificada en el exclusivo programa Paradigm Shift de At Peace Parents y capacitada por Casey Ehrlich, Ph.D. para brindar atención especializada y orientación exclusiva para las familias de PDA. A través de la convivencia por más de dos años con un niño con perfil autista PDA y los múltiples años de experiencia en el campo de la psicología realizando investigaciones, programas de intervención y evaluación con niños neurodiversos y neurotípicos, le permiten trabajar de la mano de padres y especialistas para entender el cerebro desde una perspectiva donde se prioriza la acomodación del sistema nervioso y la autonomía.

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What would it feel like to stop hating your life as a parent?


To lay your head on the pillow each night, *knowing* you are on the right path for your child? 

How would it feel to soften the tightness in your chest when you think about getting out of bed the next day to parent?

Not only is it possible, it is meant for YOU. 

Together, we will get to the root of what is preventing your PDA child from thriving and the thought patterns that are keeping you stuck.

Our coaching methodology combines:

  • A scientific approach to understanding your unique child's brain.
  • An experimental method that has worked for 100s of parents to figure out exactly what works for their child and family.
  • A spirit of mindfulness, radical acceptance and non-judgment, to move you towards peace in your identity as a parent.

Frequently Asked Questions